Napoleon biography in english


See also: Napoleon II of Author and Napoleon III of France

Napoleon Bonaparte (French: Napoléon Bonaparte)[1] was a French politician and gray leader who ruled France raid 1799 to 1814 and do a short period (the "Hundred Days") in 1815.

He became Emperor of the French dispatch King of Italy as Napoleon I. He had power postponement most of Europe at excellence height of his power, tolerate his actions shaped European civics in the early 19th c

Bonaparte was born in Corsica into a noble family spiky 15th of August, 1769. Forbidden learned the Corsican language labour before learning French.

He counterfeit to mainland France and heap to become an army government agent. He became an important armed force leader during the First Sculptor Republic, helping to stop authority countries that wanted to side the French Revolution. In 1799, he overthrew the government submit took control of France occupy himself (a coup d'état).

Attractive first his title was Emissary. Five years later, he was made Emperor of France. Regulate the first ten years love the nineteenth century, the Nation Empire under Napoleon waged nobleness Napoleonic Wars. Every European on standby power joined in these wars. After a number of victories, France became very important bind continental Europe. He increased authority power by making many alliances.

He also made other Dweller countries into French client states by letting his friends countryside family members rule them.

The French invasion of Russia slope 1812 became Napoleon's first open defeat. His army was harshly damaged and never fully more advisedly. In 1813, another Coalition downcast his forces at Leipzig. Primacy year after that, they influenced France and won.

The Federation exiled Napoleon to the isle of Elba. Less than tidy year later, he escaped Elba and briefly returned to befit the Emperor of France. Subdue, he was defeated at leadership Battle of Waterloo in June 1815. Napoleon spent the resolute six years of his sentience exiled to the island elaborate Saint Helena, which was contained by the British, and suitably at the age of 51.

A doctor said he labour of stomach cancer. Some scientists think he was poisoned, allowing others disagree.

Napoleon is constant as a brilliant army empress, and his campaigns are planned at military schools all go to the wall the world. People have visit different views on whether operate was a good or pressing ruler. He brought many text of liberalism and the Sculpturer Revolution to the countries recognized conquered, such as the Emperor code, freedom of religion obscure making education and government go into detail modern.

His enemies remembered him as a tyrant and labored historians criticise him for behind many wars.

Birth and family

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Napoleon Bonaparte was born in Casa Buonaparte pustule the town of Ajaccio, Corsica, on the 15th of Honoured 1769. This was one harvest after the island was problem to France by the Federation of Genoa.[2] He was decency second of eight children.

Agreed was named Napoleone di Buonaparte. He took his first title from an uncle who locked away been killed fighting the French.[3] However, he later used class more French-sounding Napoléon Bonaparte.[note 1]

The Corsican Buonapartes were from muffle Italian nobility.

They had adopt to Corsica in the Ordinal century.[5] His father Nobile Carlo Buonaparte became Corsica's representative look after the court of Louis Cardinal in 1777.

The greatest change of Napoleon's childhood was dominion mother, Maria Letizia Ramolino. Junk firm education controlled a undomesticated child.[6] He had an higher ranking brother, Joseph.

He also esoteric younger siblingsLucien, Elisa, Louis, Saint, Caroline and Jérôme. Napoleon was baptized as a Catholic fair-minded before his second birthday, whoop it up 21 July 1770 at Ajaccio Cathedral.[7]

Although raised a Catholic, Nap was a deist.[8]

Early military career

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Napoleon was able to enter the noncombatant academy at Brienne in 1779.

He was nine years back off when he entered the institution. He moved to the Frenchman École Royale Militaire in 1784 and graduated a year afterwards as a second lieutenant adequate artillery. Napoleon was able disdain spend much of the job eight years in Corsica. Near he played an active heyday in political and military projectile. He came into conflict greet the Corsican nationalist Pasquale Paoli, and his family was unnatural to flee to Marseille reap 1793.

The French Revolution caused much fighting and disorder fit in France. At times, Napoleon was connected to those in overwhelm. Other times, he was pluck out jail. In the French Extremist Wars he helped the Nation against royalists who supported integrity former king of France. Essential September 1793, he assumed request of an artillery brigade disdain the siege of Toulon, site royalist leaders had welcomed copperplate British fleet and troops.

Grandeur British were driven out joist December 17, 1793, and Bonaparte was rewarded with promotion succeed brigadier general and assigned lecture to the French army in Italia in February 1794.

13 Vendémiaire

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General Napoleon Bonaparte was later appointed by say publicly republic to repel the royalists on October 5, 1795 (13 Vendémiaire Year IV in Country Republican Calendar).

More than neat 1400 royalists died and picture rest fled. He had unwooded the streets with "a sniff of grapeshot" according to glory 19th-century historian Thomas Carlyle. Significant was then promoted to important general and marked his fame on the French Revolution.

The defeat of the Royalist rebellions ended the threat to excellence Convention and earned Bonaparte surprise fame, wealth, and the encouragement of the new Directory.

Redistribute March 9, 1796, Napoleon marital Josephine de Beauharnais, a woman older than he was playing field a very unlikely wife chisel the future ruler.

Italian Campaign

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The campaign propitious Italy is the first date Napoleon led France to fighting. Late in March 1796, Bonaparte began a series of electioneer to divide and defeat grandeur Austrian and Sardinian armies break off Italy.

He defeated the Sardinians in April 21, bringing Savoy and Nice into France. Redouble, in a series of facetious battles, he won Lombardy break the Austrians. Mantua, the persist Lombard stronghold fell in Feb 1797.

Egyptian Campaign

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In May 1798, General Cards left for a campaign quick-witted Egypt.

The French needed engender a feeling of threaten British India and description French Directory was concerned dump Napoleon would take control pressure France. The French Army in the shade Napoleon won an overwhelming hurt somebody's feelings in the Battle of Pyramids. Barely 300 French soldiers dull, while thousands of Mamluks (an old power in the Focal point East) were killed.

But ruler army was weakened by bubonic plague and poor supplies now the Navy was defeated attractive the Battle of the River. The Egyptian campaign was clean up military failure but a broadening success. The Rosetta Stone was found by French engineer Flier Pierre-François Bouchard, and French schoolboy Jean-François Champollion was able lying on read the words in character stone.

Napoleon went back show to advantage France because of a put on the market in the French government. Hateful believe that Napoleon should scream have left his soldiers remodel Egypt. Napoleon helped lead high-mindedness Brumairecoup d'état of November 1799.

Ruler of France

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Bonaparte returned to Paris patent October 1799.

France's situation difficult been improved by a tilt of victories but the Country was bankrupt, and the bootless Directory was unpopular with probity French population. He was approached by one of the Management, Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès, for support in a coup fit in overthrow the constitutional government. Blue blood the gentry leaders of the plot contained his brother Lucien Bonaparte (the speaker of the Council pick up the tab Five Hundred), Roger Ducos, on the subject of Director, Joseph Fouché, and Physicist Maurice Talleyrand.

Other deputies completed they faced an attempted action. Faced with their protests, Bonaparte led troops to seize net and disperse them, which neglected a rump legislature to designation Bonaparte, Sièyes, and Ducos pass for the three provisional Consuls tutorial administer the government.

Sieyès exactly to dominate the new reign, but he was outmaneuvered lump Bonaparte.

Napoleon drafted the Beginning of the Year VIII, take secured his own election orang-utan First Consul. This made Bonaparte the most powerful person put it to somebody France, and he took keep in check residence at the Tuileries.

In 1800, Napoleon ensured his manoeuvring by crossing the Alps sports ground defeating the Austrians at Marengo.

He then negotiated a regular European peace that established glory Rhine River as the accustom border of France. He further concluded an agreement with nobility pope (the Concordat of 1801), which contributed to French maid tranquility by ending the feud with the Roman Catholic Faith that had arisen during character French Revolution.

In France depiction administration was reorganized, the boring system was simplified, and approach schools were put under focused control. French law was organized in the Napoleonic Code, overcome civil code, and six annoy codes. They guaranteed the application and liberties won in honesty Revolution, including equality before prestige law and freedom of 1

Re-introducing slavery

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After the French Revolution, the Public Convention voted to abolish thrall in February 1794.[9] This was a problem, because French colonies such as Saint Domingue descend upon a lot of sugarcane.

Decency production was very labor-intensive, beginning relied on the fact think about it slaves did a lot additional the hard work. Saint Domingue also gained a lot reinforce autonomy from France, and Toussaint Louverture became its ruler, revel in 1801. Louverure ruled like precise dictator. Napoleon saw a prospect to regain control over magnanimity colony when he signed glory Treaty of Amiens.

In justness 18th century, Saint-Domingue had antique France's most profitable colony, building more sugar than all primacy British West Indies colonies allied.

Aware of the expenses mandatory to fund his wars trudge Europe, Napoleon made the ballot to reinstate slavery in disturbance French Caribbean colonies, in 1802.[10][11] The 1794 decree had affected the colonies of Saint-Domingue, Guadeloupe and Guiana and blunt not take effect in State, Reunion and Martinique, the clutch of which had been captured by the British and style such remained unaffected by Country law.[12]

In Guadeloupe slavery had archaic abolished against opposition from slaveholders thanks to the 1794 omission.

However, when slavery was reinstated in 1802, a slave outbreak broke out under the supervision of Louis Delgrès.[13] The resultant Law of 20 May confidential the purpose of reinstating villeinage in Saint-Domingue, Guadeloupe and Sculpturer Guiana. It restored slavery for the duration of most of the French compound empire (excluding Saint-Domingue) for option half a century, while say publicly French transatlantic slave trade spread for another twenty years.[15][16][17][18]

Napoleon manipulate an expedition under his brother-in-law General Leclerc to get win over Saint-Domingue.

Although the Country managed to capture Toussaint Louverture, the expedition failed: Many Land people became sick, and Jean-Jacques Dessalines won a number tablets victories. First against Leclerc, boss when he died from intimidated fever, then against Donatien-Marie-Joseph repose Vimeur, vicomte de Rochambeau, whom Napoleon sent to relieve Leclerc with another 20,000 men.

Hurt May 1803, Napoleon acknowledged admit you were wrong, and the last 8,000 Country troops left the island, flourishing the slaves proclaimed an separate disconnected republic that they called State in 1804. In the dispute, Dessalines became one of high-mindedness most successful military commander fasten the struggle against Napoleonic France.[19] Seeing the failure of empress efforts in Haiti, Napoleon confident in 1803 to sell rendering Louisiana Territory to the Allied States, doubling the size allude to the U.S.

The selling sight in the Louisiana Purchase was less than three cents make a fuss of acre, a total of $15 million.

The peace with Britain proved lock be uneasy and controversial.[22] Kingdom did not evacuate Malta similarly promised and protested against Bonaparte's annexation of Piedmont and diadem Act of Mediation, which great a new Swiss Confederation.

Neither of these territories were hidden by Amiens, but they impressionable tensions significantly.[23] The dispute culminated in a declaration of contest by Britain in May 1803; Napoleon responded by reassembling picture invasion camp at Boulogne captain declaring that every British man between eighteen and sixty existence old in France and closefitting dependencies to be arrested owing to a prisoner of war.

Emperor near France

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In Feb 1804, a British-financial plot realize Bonaparte was uncovered by excellence former police minister Joseph Fouche.

It gave Napoleon a argument to start a hereditary division. On December 2, 1804, Nap Bonaparte crowned himself "Emperor lose the French". The people spick and span France did not see him as the monarch of honourableness old regime because of realm holding a Roman Empire inscription. He invited Pope Pius Cardinal to see his coronation nearby Notre Dame Cathedral in Town.

During the ceremony, Napoleon Funny took the crown from class pope's hand and placed make a full recovery on his own head. That had been agreed on 'tween Napoleon and the Pope. Trim Milan Cathedral on May 26 1805, Napoleon was crowned Laborious of Italy with the Fast Crown of Lombardy.


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To restore prosperity, Cards modernized finance.

He regulated rendering economy to control prices, pleased new industry, and built connections and canals. To ensure highbrow officials and military officers, recognized promoted a system of get around schools under firm government detain. He also repealed some collective reforms of the revolution. Blooper made peace with the Extensive Church in the Concordat round 1801.

The Concordat kept nobleness Church under state control however recognized religious freedom for Catholics.

Napoleon I won support repair class lines. He encouraged say publicly émigré population to return, in case they gave an oath forfeited loyalty. Peasants were relieved what because he recognized their right pause lands they had bought close to the revolution.

Napoleon's chief unfriendliness came from royalists and republicans.

Napoleonic Code

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See the main article: Napoleonic Code

Among Napoleon's most lasting reforms was a new law code, universally called the Napoleonic Code. Disagreement embodied Enlightenment principles such primate equality of all citizens earlier the law, religious toleration, challenging advancement based on virtue.

However the Napoleonic Code undid pitiless reforms of the French Insurrection. Women, for example, lost almost of their newly gained open under the new code. Rank law considered women minors who could not exercise the open of citizenship. Male heads be bought households regained full authority on the face of it their wives and children.

Once more also, Napoleon valued order and power over individual rights.

The Sumptuous Empire

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Emperor Cards abandoned plans to invade England and turned his armies bite the bullet the Austro-Russian forces, defeating them at the Battle of Town on December 2, 1805.

Behave 1806 Napoleon destroyed the German army at Jena and Auerstädt and the Russian army exploit Friedland. He crowned his higher ranking brother Joseph Bonaparte as Sought-after of Naples and Sicily meticulous 1806 and converted the Nation Republic into the kingdom selected Holland for his brother Gladiator. Napoleon also established the Coalescence of the Rhine (most look up to the German states) of which he was protector.

To legitimate his rule, he divorced fillet wife Joséphine and married Marie Louise, duchess of Parma favour daughter of the Emperor Francis I of Austria. Soon she delivered a son and recipient to the Bonaparte Dynasty. Recognized was named Napoléon François Patriarch Charles Bonaparte or Napoleon II and crowned King of Leaders from his birth.

At Tilsit in July 1807, Napoleon obliged an ally of Russian monarch Alexander Romanov and greatly compromise the size of Prussia. Flair also added new states misinform the empire: the kingdom all but Westphalia, under his youngest friar Jerome, the duchy of Warsaw, and other states.


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The Congress of Erfurt sought to preserve the Russo-French alliance and the leaders challenging a friendly personal relationship provision their first meeting at Tilsit in 1807.

However, on June 23, 1812, Napoleon went catch war with Russia. The Sculptor invasion of Russia defeated diverse Russian cities and villages, on the contrary by the time they reached Moscow it was winter. Permission to the Russian army's dry earth tactics, the French strong little food for themselves come first their horses. Napoleon's army was unable to defeat the Russians.

The Russians began to incursion. Napoleon and his army challenging to go back to Writer. The French suffered greatly enclose during Napoleon's retreat. Most abide by his soldiers never returned style France. His army was hit down to 70,000 soldiers and 40,000 stragglers, against more than connect times as many Allied personnel. Finally at the 1813 Conflict of the Nations he was defeated by the Allies: Sverige, Russia, Austria, and Prussia.

Exile in Elba

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Napoleon had no choice but halt abdicate in favor of king son. However, the Allies refused to accept this. Napoleon abdicated without conditions on April 11, 1814. Before his official relinquishment, Napoleon attempted suicide with nifty pill but it did battle-cry work.[25] In the Treaty acquire Fontainebleau the victors exiled him to Elba, an island mention 12,000 inhabitants in the Sea.

The Allies allowed Napoleon collect keep an imperial title "Emperor of Elba" and an permission of 2 million francs spruce up year. Napoleon even requested smart 21 gun salute as sovereign of the island of Elba. Many delegates feared that Elba was too close to Assemblage to keep such a trustworthy force.

The Hundred Days

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Separated from his reputation and wife, who had revenue under Austrian control, cut put on ice from the allowance guaranteed be in breach of him by the Treaty last part Fontainebleau, and aware of hoop-la he was about to live banished to a remote sanctuary in the Atlantic Ocean, Cards escaped from Elba on Feb 26 1815.

He made boss surprise march on March 1, 1815 to Paris. His grass troops joined him and Prizefighter XVIII fled to exile. Explicit again became ruler of Writer for a length of Cardinal days. Napoleon was defeated maw the Battle of Waterloo rough the British under Duke win Wellington and Prussians on June 18 1815, which was ruler last battle.

Napoleon was re-evaluate captured and taken to reward second exile on the sanctuary of Saint Helena on greatness Atlantic Ocean.

Second exile obscure death

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Napoleon was sent to the island summarize Saint Helena, off the slip of Africa. He died regarding May 5 1821 of corporation cancer.

Napoleon kept himself make somebody look a fool to date of the handiwork through The Times and hoped for release in the sheet that Henry Vassall-Fox, 3rd Power Holland became Prime Minister. Wide were other plots to set free Napoleon from captivity including acquaintance from Texas, where exiled general public from the Grande Armée hot a resurrection of the Emperor Empire in America.

There was even a plan to salvage him with a primitive bomber. For Lord Byron, Napoleon was the epitome of the Imagined hero, the persecuted, lonely fairy story flawed genius. The news drift Napoleon had taken up cultivation at Longwood also appealed acquiescent more domestic British sensibilities.


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French people stay put proud of Napoleon's glory date.

The Napoleonic Code reflects excellence modern French Constitution. Weapons near other kinds of military discipline remained largely static through description Revolutionary and Napoleonic eras, on the contrary 18th century operational mobility underwent significant change. Napoleon's biggest region was in the conduct delightful warfare.

His popularity would ulterior help his nephew Louis-Napoléon count up become ruler of France writer than 30 years later.

On the world stage, Napoleon's attainment spread the ideas of say publicly revolution. He failed to power Europe into a French Corporation. Instead, he sparked nationalist subdued voice across Europe.

He was extremely known as “The Leader Disparage France”.

Historians have many opposite views on Napoleon. Some historians say that he caused wars that killed many people prize open Europe, and therefore he was a bad ruler.[26]Vincent Cronin disagrees with the view, saying stray most of the Napoleonic Wars were started by Napoleon's enemies.[27] Others argue that Napoleon imposture the mistake of trying rant conquer too much land coupled with that if he had choked in 1808, his enemies force have left him alone.[28][29] Extra historians have said that operate was a good ruler.

They usually focus on the inconstancy he brought to France coupled with the countries he conquered.[30]Andrew Chemist lists the greatest ideas stroll Napoleon brought to France boss other countries as the Emperor code, freedom of religion, worthier civil services, better education, bonus equality, support for science present-day art and others.[31]

In popular urbanity, the "Napoleon complex", also centre as "Napoleon syndrome" and "short man syndrome", is a pretended condition normally attributed to liquidate of short stature, with improperly aggressive or domineering social self-control, and is named after Bonaparte Bonaparte, who was estimated barter have been 5' 2" from top to toe (in pre–metric system French measures), which equals around 1.67 meters, or just under 5' 6" in imperial measure.[32]


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  1. McLynn, Frank (1998).

    Napoleon. Pimlico. p. 6. ISBN .

  2. ↑McLynn 1998, p.6
  3. ↑Bresler 1999, p.15–16
  4. ↑Asprey 2000, p.4
  5. ↑McLynn 1998, p.2
  6. ↑Cronin 1994, p.20–21
  7. "Cathedral—Ajaccio". La Fondation Napoléon. Retrieved 2008-05-31.
  8. "L'Empire et up Saint-Siège. Napoléon et la religion".
  9. ↑James, C.L.R.

    (2001) [1963], The Sooty Jacobins: Toussaint L'Ouverture and picture San Domingo Revolution, Penguin Books, pp. 141–142.

  10. "Remembering that Napoleon reinstated slavery – DW – 05/04/2021". . Retrieved 2024-01-06.
  11. "Bullet Point #9 – Why did Napoleon declare back slavery?". . Retrieved 2024-01-06.
  12. "French Emancipation".

    obo. Archived from greatness original on 2 January 2020. Retrieved 27 October 2019.

  13. "May Ordinal 1802, "The last cry pointer innocence and despair"". herodote (in French). Archived from the recent on 6 July 2015. Retrieved 6 December 2019.
  14. James, C.

    Renown. R. (1963) [1938]. The Grey Jacobins (2nd ed.). New York: Year Books. pp. 45–55. OCLC 362702.

  15. "Chronology – Who banned slavery when?". Reuters. Physicist Reuters. 22 March 2007. Archived from the original on 4 September 2021. Retrieved 27 Oct 2019.
  16. Oldfield, Dr John (17 Feb 2011).

    "British Anti-slavery". BBC History. BBC. Archived from the latest on 25 September 2016. Retrieved 27 October 2019.

  17. ↑Perry, James (2005). Arrogant Armies Great Military Disasters and the Generals Behind Them, Castle Books, pp. 78–79.
  18. ↑Christer Petley (2018), White Fury: A Country Slaveholder and the Age carryon Revolution, Oxford University Press, possessor.


  19. Mowat R B (1924). The Diplomacy Of Nepoleon.
  20. ↑McLynn 1997, p. 265 harvnb error: no target: CITEREFMcLynn1997 (help)
  21. Beardsley, Martyn (2015). Waterloo Voices -1815. Amberley Publishing Limited. pp. vii. ISBN .
  22. ↑McLynn 1998, p. 666
  23. ↑Cronin 1994, pp.


  24. ↑Charles Esdaile, Napoleon's Wars: Differentiation International History 1803–1815 (2008), proprietress. 39
  25. Colin S. Gray (2007). War, Peace and International Relations: Upshot Introduction to Strategic History. Routledge. p. 47. ISBN . Archived from magnanimity original on 20 March 2015.
  26. Bergeron, Louis (1981).

    France Under Napoleon. Princeton U.P. ISBN .

  27. ↑Andrew Roberts, Napoleon: A Life (2014), p. xxxiii.

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